In my opinion, there is no single entity more responsible for the dumbing down of America and the elevation of willful ignorance than the Republican Party. For decades now, the Republican Party has deliberately stoked fear and prejudice in order to put butts in the voting booth and no ruse has been deemed too ridiculous. (Death panels, anyone?)

For most of the modern era, however, the poor Republican patsies who have propped up the party have gotten next to nothing for their loyalty. They’ve been repeatedly baited to the voting booth by the hot-button issue du jour only to watch the nation continue to progress socially both without them and in spite of them. For instance, they’ve been unable to stop the spread of racial and gender equality; they’ve been unable to stem the tide of real religious freedom; they’ve stood by, helpless, as now even marriage equality rears its shining head in state after state. Time and again, they’ve been used by the cynical suits that run the Republican Party, only to see their ignorant, self-defeating dreams dashed against the rocks.

Until now.

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