Tag: Inkscape (Page 1 of 2)

Pulling Shapes

Doing what I call “pulling shapes” in Inkscape, just to see what I can come up with. I sort of think of it as a kind of 2D sculpting. For some reason, I find it relaxing.

Vector Head

Pulling shapes in Inkscape.

Edit: Ha! I just noticed that the last three posts (including this one) were all published on the sixth of the month. I’m nothing if not regular. 🙂

The Lorax hates Android

…and, apparently, any mobile OS other than IOS.

I’m actually kind of interested in seeing the upcoming CG version of the Dr. Seuss classic, but I’m perplexed as to why such a blockbuster film would have an Apple-only mobile version of its web site. I mean, even if Apple is giving Universal (or whoever) wads of cash for some kind of exclusive mobile deal, it still seems like a terrible idea to make your site available to only a fraction of the mobile web. Unless, of course, we’re talking really huge wads of cash, I guess. The kicker for me, though, is that the desktop version of the site is built in Flash. How weird is that?

The Lorax has no love for Android

Android: 'But I thought you liked green!'


For those who have no idea what I’m talking about, I tried to visit the official movie site on my Android phone and was greeted with this notice:

No Lorax for you!

No Lorax for you!

Upon clicking “OK” I saw a lovely white screen. That’s it. No simplified version of the site, no hold page, not even any text. Just a blank white screen. And, see, here’s the thing: they are apparently proactively deciding not to show me any kind of site at all simply because I’m not visiting with an iPhone or iPad. It’s astonishing to me.

I know this doesn’t rise to the level of importance of, say, starving children in Africa, but I’m tempted to stage a boycott of the movie simply because of this practice. Yeah, I know: good luck with that. Nonetheless, the very idea of dividing up the web based on who has what device is completely contrary to the concepts of open standards, net neutrality and the like. It’s not a behavior I want to reward with my hard-earned dollars. It is kind of par for the course for Apple, however, although it’s still unclear to me exactly what – if anything – Apple has to do with this particular instance.

Stupid practice is still practice

The main points of this exercise were 1) to learn how to use MyPaint-GIMP-Inkscape in a comics production chain and 2) to practice drawing, inking, and painting stuff (as always). I wanted to do actual backgrounds but ran out of time, so here it is. I have no idea whether boots of frost resistance actually exist in the Skyrim universe, but I couldn’t resist the SkyrimShots title, so there you go.

Boots of Frost resistance

Boots of Frost resistance

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