I finally got my Wacom tablet working on Windows 7 again, so I was able to draw in Toon Boom once more. I drew a lot of practice circles and then filled one of them with this. Meh.
Tag: Animate Pro
Another ball bounce exercise, this time drawn directly into Toon Boom’s Animate Pro. I resisted the urge to copy and paste the ball into successive frames and instead worked on my Wacom draftsmanship. You may be better off viewing this one at YouTube since the interface doesn’t get immediately out of the way. (Great programming, YouTube.)
Like yesterday’s exercise, this one was animated on twos. I didn’t have to scan anything and it was really quick to ink this one and give it a quick flat color. If I can get control of line quality, there’s no doubt that this way is faster than the paper-and-scanner route. No big surprise there, but I am going to have to get a lot better at line quality – not to mention overall drawing.
Tomorrow, we drop the ball (so to speak) and move on to something a little more interesting.
But only a very little bit. And, yeah, that’s a feeble attempt at a Preston Blair dog.
On a separate note, I saw this in an ad for some kind of fashion school. People actually pay money to learn how to turn women into hideous scarecrow rejects? And women actually let these people do this to them? I’ll never understand fashion. At least this model was smart enough to keep her face mostly hidden. Or is that the part that’s supposed to turn me on?

This is fashion?
The office building where De works provides email marketing services. Doesn’t their ad inspire all kinds of confidence?
If I ever meet these marketing geniuses, I’ll be really tempted to ask, “How are
On a more serious note, I’m trying to get used to drawing in ToonBoom’s Animate Pro. I’m not super great at it yet.