When I first published Creepspace: The Witch Game, I also did the cover art and, at the time, it was the best I could do. But that cover didn’t entice the right age group (ages 8 – 12). It did seem to appeal to kids in the 4 – 6 age range, but they’re too young for the book.
So I finally dove in and redesigned the cover. Thanks to people like Timothée Giet and David Revoy, I was able to find my way around the awesome open source painting program known as Krita. I still used my old stalwarts, GIMP and Inkscape, for image processing and text/pdf layout, repsectively, but I have to say that I really enjoyed painting with Krita and I look forward to getting better at it.
Anyway, I hope this new cover appeals more to the kids who might read the book. I’ve already started on a second book in the Creepspace anthology series which I hope to have out early next year, time permitting.