Digital Painting in 2013!

Okay, so this is really bad since there was no plan ahead of time and no composition and no real underlying talent, but it represents a start on finally learning to do some digital painting. So there’s that. Clearly I’m starting with basically no idea what I’m doing, but I have to admit to really enjoying this particular activity. So there’s also that. I’ve dabbled in digital painting a time or two before but this is the first time I’ve ever tried it in a larger format. The version you see here is reduced considerably. I used Gimp 2.8 on Linux Mint.

Digital Death

Digital Death

I also did some Blender modeling – an eyeball. I spent more time figuring out the best render settings than I did modeling the eyeball. Boy could I use a couple of GTX 580s about now.

Blender Eyeball

Blender Eyeball


  1. De

    The eyeball is looking good. 😉 The graveyard is foreboding and I wonder if it’s where the goblin resides.

  2. Matt

    It just so happens that I was thinking of trying to paint a goblin perched on a gravestone for my next practice session. You must be psychotic or something. 🙂

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