Knight Doodles

Breaking the posting drought. These were doodled directly into Pencil.

Knight Doodles

Knight Doodles


  1. De

    Knights in penciled armor. Looking good!

  2. Matt

    Thanks, Babe! <3

  3. Brian

    Hello again, Matt

    I’m having some trouble with Pencil. When I export my rough animation frames from Pencil as .png and Open as Layers in GIMP, the frames blend together when I try to use the animation playback filter in GIMP?

  4. Brian

    Oops, I wasn’t finished. You ink and paint each frame in GIMP one at a time, correct? Did you import the finished frames back into Pencil with a finished background and export again? Or did you use Blender? If you used Blender, how do you create alpha channels on layers in the VSE? And how do you get the frames to “hold” for 2 in Blender (assuming you work on 2s at 24fps). I keep importing finished frames into MonkeyJam, saving each scene as AVIs, THEN importing them back into Blender, but I’m almost certain MonkeyJam isn’t even necessary and I’m making more work for myself.

  5. Brian

    Nevermind, I got it. (Delete my comments if you like). I must say, though: I’m extremely jealous of not only your drawing skills, but how well versed you are in so many open source programs (especially Blender). I wish some these programs had better documentation; they make for surprisingly competent alternatives.

  6. Matt


    My apologies for not answering your question soon enough to be of any help, but I’m glad you figured it out. I actually have a plan to do some tutorials for open source 2D/hand-drawn animation when I get a little more skill and practice under my belt (although I am trying not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good and all that). If I can stay focused and meet a few more solid benchmarks, maybe I can start adding to the documentation as early as this summer. And I’d love to see what you’re working on when you feel like sharing it.

    • Brian

      Hello again, Matt.

      Thank you for answering all of my questions. Here’s my little project:

      It was supposed to be done for Valentine’s Day, but school gets in the way. I’ve still got a lot to learn, but I’m pleased with it, for the most part. I gave you a shout out in the credits, if you don’t mind.

  7. Google

    I’m having some trouble with Pencil. When I export my rough animation frames from Pencil as .png and Open as Layers in GIMP, the frames blend together when I try to use the animation playback filter in GIMP?

    • Matt

      Hi. I haven’t really been using Gimp to composite animation, so I don’t know much about that. Sorry!

      If the individual frames coming out of Pencil look okay, then it’s probably a Gimp specific issue. Maybe try the Gimp forums?

      If you get it worked out, please do come back and post a link to your finished work. I’d love to see what you’re doing with Pencil.

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